How Long Should The Eyes Be Washed By The Eye Wash Station?
For effective decontamination to take place, eyes should be washed for at least 15 minutes.
What Water Temperature Is Needed for Emergency Eye Wash Stations?
The water supplied through an eye wash station should be within a tepid range, that is (i.e. between 16° and 38°C). If it is uncomfortably hot or cold this may discourage the user from using the station for the 15-minute requirement (this is why handheld bottles are not a suitable substitute for proper eye wash units).
What Water Pressure Do Eye Wash Stations Need?
In order for the decontamination to be effective, emergency eye wash stations should be able to distribute water at the rate of 0.4 gallons per minute at a pressure of 30 PS.
Where Should Emergency Eye Wash Stations Be Located?
Emergency eye wash stations should be located within 10 seconds reach of the hazard. The path to the unit should be unhindered and easy to navigate. The spray head of the eye wash unit should be positioned at least 6” away from the walls, and be between 33” and 53” inches from the ground.
How Often Do Plumbed-In Eye Wash Stations Need to Be Activated?
Plumbed-in eye wash units must be activated at least once a week.
If you have any further questions about emergency eye wash units, let us know by emailing sales@mahealy.ie or call 0402 32116.